Vitamin Wellness IM Shots

Boost Mood | Boost Energy | Increase Metabolism | Improve Immune System Function


Vitamin deficiencies can have significant impacts on men’s health. For example, deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to problems with the nervous system, heart conditions, and temporary infertility. Other signs of vitamin deficiency can include fatigue, bone pain, mood changes, muscle aches, and weakness.

Injectable vitamin supplements (IM Shots) can offer numerous benefits. They can boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. They can also treat conditions like asthma, allergies, chronic sinusitis, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, heart disease.

ALPHA Men’s Health offers a range of injectable vitamin supplements to keep you operating at your best. Whether you’re planning travel or a special event and want an immune system boost, are looking to increase your metabolism, or are looking to improve general wellness, we have the right options for you.

We accept walk-in visits for new clients for Vitamin Wellness IM Shots. Our options include:

Biotin - Supports healthy hair, nail growth, skin condition, and boosts metabolism.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) - Boosts energy, brain and nerve health, blood production and mental health.

Glutathione (Antioxidant) - Supports tissue building and repair, immune system, anti-aging by decreasing free radicals, metabolizing of toxins, sperm cell production and fat processing.

MICC (Lipo-C) - Lipo C includes B12, Methionine and Inositol : Aids wight loss by boosting metabolism, balancing insulin, and increasing energy levels. Elevates serotonin and dopamine to help mood.

NAD+ - Supports DNA repair and hormone signaling , supports cognitive function, immune system, anti-aging, reduces inflamation, metabolism, sleep and memory. Can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

Quad Amino Blend - Quad Amino includes Lysine, Arginine, Citrulline and Ornithine. Improves muscle building and repair, mood, reduces fatigue, promotes healing, improved memory, and supports sleep

We offer single shots or packages of weekly injections to keep you looking and feeling your best. Book an appointment now and our providers can talk you through the available options based on your specific goals.


Energy Boost
Increased Metabolism



Immunity Boost



Vitamin Wellness FAQ

What Are Vitamins and Minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that our bodies need to function properly. They play crucial roles in various bodily processes, from supporting immune health to maintaining strong bones.

Why Are Vitamins and Minerals Important?

Vitamins and minerals are vital for overall well-being. They help:

      • Boost immunity

      • Promote healthy skin, hair, and nails

      • Support bone health

      • Assist in energy production

      • Aid in wound healing

      • Maintain healthy vision

      • Regulate metabolism

What is the difference between your vitamins and the ones I take at home?

When taken orally, less than 10% of the vitamin is actually absorbed into your body, the remainder is passed through and out of your body. We inject concentrate vitamin and minerals intra-muscularly in ‘IM Shots’. IM Shots enable a far greater percentage of the vitamin to be immediately absorbed into the body, and will lead to much greater health benefits.

What are Vitamin B12 IM Shots?

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including: DNA production, Formation of red blood cells, and Maintenance of nerve cells. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to health problems, such as fatigue and megaloblastic anemia. Injectable IM Vitamin B12 Shots are injectable forms of supplementation containing a synthetic version of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). These IM Shots allow the body to absorb vitamin B12 without relying on the digestive system.

What are benefits of Vitamin B12 IM Shots?

There are multiple benefits of Vitamin B12 IM Shots, including: Improved cognitive function, reduced depression symptoms, lower levels of fatigue, and reduced risk of health disorders like heart disease, stroke, and infertility.

What are benefits of MIC/LIPO-C IM Shots?

MIC/LIPO-C shots are a combination of enzymes and amino acids designed to accelerate weight loss by optimizing liver health and metabolism. The three main ingredients in MIC shots are:

      • Methionine: Supports fat breakdown, heavy metal removal, and lowers histamine release.

      • Inositol: Establishes healthy cell membranes, controls mood and appetite, and reduces insulin resistance.

      • Choline: Controls cholesterol levels and weight gain.

MIC lipotropic injections also contain B vitamins and L-Carnitine, believed to aid in weight loss and overall health.

How Do MIC/LIPO-C IM Shots Work?

The liver produces bile, which breaks down fat and eliminates toxins. MIC shots optimize liver health, leading to improved metabolism and weight loss.

How frequently should I take MIC/LIPO-C Shots?

When dieting, administered shots once per week is the most typical frequency used. Benefits include higher energy levels and improved cognitive function during weight loss programs.

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is an antioxidant produced by the body, composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. Its main functions include: Building and repairing tissues, supporting the immune system, and producing proteins like sex hormone-binding globulin and essential elements like magnesium. It also aids in the production of Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

What are the benefits of Glutathione IM Shots?

Glutathione IM Shots act as an Immune system booster, provide anti-aging properties, and can help act in an antioxidant function to protect cells against free radicals and pro-oxidants.

Are you experiencing any symptoms of Low Testosterone?

ALPHA Men’s Health has solutions waiting for you.

We can establish your T-Levels in a FREE, 15-minute test performeed on-site at our clinic.

Check out our New Client Process to learn more