Sexual Performance Solutions

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) | Premature Ejaculation (PE)


Over 50% of US Males experience erectile dysfunction (ED) at some point in their life, while 40% of US Males experience Premature Ejaculation (PE) at some point in life.

At ALPHA Men’s Health, we offer a range of solutions to support men experiencing ED/PE, and our skilled staff will support you through discussing your symptoms and desired outcomes confidentially, and getting you onto a treatment plan to address this common challenge.


Oral Prescriptions





Testosterone Replacement Therapy - Helps to restore hormone balance in the blood, improving energy, mood, overall well-being, and metabolism, supporting weight management

Oral Prescriptions - We offer Sildenafil (Cialis) and Tadalafil (Viagra) solutions to treat both PE and ED through oral prescriptions.

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections - Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a non-invasive procedure which can help to support stronger, and longer-lasting erections.

Sexual Function FAQ

Is erectile dysfunction (ED) normal?

ED is a common issue, especially as men age. It’s essential to recognize that it’s a treatable condition, and seeking help is crucial. Studies have found that up to 52% of men experience some form of ED during their lifetime.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

ED can result from various factors, including physical conditions (like high blood pressure, diabetes, or hardening of the arteries), psychological factors (such as stress, anxiety, or depression), and lifestyle choices (like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption).

How can I get tested for erectile dysfunction?

Our trained healthcare providers will perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and order blood tests or other diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of ED.

Is erectile dysfunction permanent?

In many cases, ED is treatable. It’s essential to address it promptly to improve quality of life and overall health.

How is erectile dysfunction diagnosed?

Diagnosis involves a thorough evaluation by our trained healthcare providers. They will assess your symptoms, medical history, and perform necessary tests.

What are my treatment options for erectile dysfunction?

Treatment options offered by ALPHA Men’s Health include:

  • Oral medications (including Tadalafil (Cialis) or Sildenafil (Viagra)

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy, which can heighten libido and improve blood flow.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma Injections, which can stimulate cellular regeneration and accelerate tissue repair.

Do you have solutions for Premature Ejaculation (PE)?

Yes, Tadalafil (Cialis) and Sildenafil (Viagra) can be prescribed so support men experiencing PE to increase duration of sexual intercourse.

Are you experiencing any symptoms of Low Testosterone?

ALPHA Men’s Health has solutions waiting for you.

We can establish your T-Levels in a FREE, 15-minute test performeed on-site at our clinic.

Check out our New Client Process to learn more